Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3Oh3: an inspiring group of dudes

Hey guys. It's been awhile, but as some of you know, i've been going through some serious stuff in my personal life and didn't want to post something else until I had the right mind.

I'm always listening to new music, and my listening path has taken a surprising turn recently. I've been listening to a lot of popular music as of late. Like pop and hip-hop and Kelly Clarkson for example. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it is really easy to listen to while doing other things. Most of those songs have a dope beat to step to, plus they usually have lots of bass, and I'm a sucker for bass. It is also partly because of my friends Cole and Ferranto, and a particular ride back to Missouri from Arkansas.

What I'm getting at is that there is this one group: 3oh!3, who are kind of an inspiration to me. Here's why: about a year ago, my friend Paul showed me a music video by the duo back before they really got famous, and it was just them making ridiculous hip-hop songs and having fun with people from their hometown of Boulder, Colorado. Now they are legit fo sho, with a decked-out possy, radio time nationwide, features on MTV, professional grade music videos, and over 50 million plays on myspace for their single, "Don't Trust Me." It just inspires a little hope that two guys who bust out funny hip-hop songs on their synthesizers can make it big. It kinda seems like they are living the dream to me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here's my first Blog Guy

I've always wanted to just blog somewhere. At first I thought myspace might be a good outlet, but this is perfect. I always have tons of thoughts bouncing around in my head, and it'll be nice to just write them down and let other people read them.

As for right now, I'm just really sleepy. I have just been thinking about what I will write about most on here, and I think this will be a nice place to review things. Like music or movies or perhaps video games or even food.

I can see this taking up a lot of my time, but I've decided to take it easy with all those video games, so maybe I'll have more time.

Check out the songs in my sidebar.